Our experts can assist with cases of work related musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), upper limb disorders (WRULDs) or repetitive strain injuries (RSIs).
We accept instructions in relation to liability issues arising out of conditions including carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), tenosynovitis, tendonitis, hand arm vibration syndrome (HAVS), osteoarthritis, back pain and bursitis.
Our experts have experience in industry as Occupational Hygienists and Regulatory Inspectors. They understand how to identify if there is a credible link between the Claimant’s/Pursuer’s working practices and their condition.
If you would like to discuss a case with one of our experts please contact us and we will direct you to the appropriate expert.
Our WRULD, MSD and RSI liability experts can provide a full range of ergonomic-related expert witness services including:
We have experience in assessing the risk factors associated with work-related musculoskeletal disorders. Our liability experts have advised in cases involving work-related upper limb disorders, work- related musculoskeletal disorders and repetitive strain injuries.
Our expert witnesses have worked alongside legal professionals for many years. We pride ourselves on delivering reports that are clear, to the point and easy to follow.
For our latest turnaround times and expert availability, please contact our Business Coordinator, Laura Hooper on 01302 499050 or by email: laurahooper@pragmaandassociates.co.uk.
If you have a current case that you would like to discuss with one of our experts, please contact Laura and she will find the best fit amongst our team.