
Railway Industries

Using 50 years of rail industry experience we can help you comply with the relevant health and safety requirements.

Between the various members of our team we have more than 50 years of rail-related health and safety experience.We understand that those in the railway industry need to ensure and record compliance with the requirements of the Railway and Other Guided Transport System (Safety) Regulations (ROGS).

Additionally, RSSB have highlighted that there are unmet and undefined occupational health risks in the rail industry. This includes; musculoskeletal disorders, diesel engine exhaust emissions (DEEE), hand-arm vibration (HAVS), and silica dust, in addition to COVID-19.

With decades of rail experience, we deliver specialist workplace solutions to protect the health of your workforce and the public.

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Industry specific health and safety advice can increase staff productivity, prevent occupational disease and help to prevent incidents that may lead to compensation claims or reputational damage.

Our team has experience of working for the HSE.  This provides us with a unique insight that enables us to ensure that policies and practices are in line with current regulations and provide effective evidence of compliance in the event of future legal action.

We can also help you prove that you are operating compliantly, a necessity when it comes to tendering for new work or applying for contract extensions or franchises.

Why should you choose us?

The short answer is our experienced health and safety experts have all the expertise you will need to identify and resolve health and safety issues.

We are registered on the British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS) Directory and are one of only 15 BOHS registered Occupational Hygiene service providers in the UK to employ a Chartered Hygienist.

The areas we can help with include:

  • Conducting thorough risk assessments and/or review of your current policies and procedures
  • Help with focused risk assessments (manual handling, COSHH, DSEAR, fire, asbestos, lead, legionella)
  • Help with the management of chemical and physical hazards including dust, silica, DEEE, noise and vibration
  • Complete personal air monitoring for COSHH compliance
  • Complete noise and vibration surveys
  • Ensure compliance with the HSE, ROGs and RSSB
  • Make sure your working and passenger environment meet the relevant COVID-19 guidelines

Our team also includes face fit-testers who can help with queries related to Respiratory Protective Equipment (RPE) and fit-testing.

What should you do next?

If you would like to speak to our railway expert, Rosie McKay, please contact her by phone on 01302 499055, email or use our contact us form for a free initial consultation.

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