About Us


Tim Wallis

BSc (Hons) MSc

Associate Technical Director, Forensic Scientist

Principal industry experience:

Asbestos surveying and management, removals and air monitoring

Having carried out surveys in literally thousands of different properties, I know how to identify the presence of asbestos in all its guises and can analyse every aspect of asbestos management from identification to managing and monitoring to remediation and removal.

Photo of Tim Wallis

Tim has carried out thousands of asbestos surveys in a wide range of industrial and commercial properties, including long-running projects on a former ICI site, local councils and the power distribution network. This has provided Tim with the specialist expertise required to identify and implement actions when asbestos containing materials are present, including the management of in-situ materials and the precautions necessary when removing asbestos containing materials. Such projects have also provided Tim with extensive experience of reviewing historical asbestos records, including management, refurbishment and demolition reports, along with historical records of asbestos fibre monitoring and abatement/removal works.

Tim now employs all of his experience in his role as an expert witness to assist the courts to understand the circumstances surrounding cases in which it is suspected that ill health has been caused by asbestos.

Tim’s extensive industry experience is supported by an impressive academic history: He graduated with distinction from Newcastle University with an MSc in Clean Technology and from The University of Leeds with a BSc (Hons) in Environmental Energy Science. In addition, Tim also holds W504 – Asbestos and other fibres, P402 – Building Surveys and Bulk Sampling for Asbestos, P403 – Asbestos Fibre Counting with Phase Contrast Microscopy and P404 – Air Sampling and Clearance Testing with Asbestos.

If you would like to find out more about Tim’s expertise, please download a copy of his CV.

If you would like to speak to Tim, you can call him on 01302 499050 or email him at timwallis@pragmaandassociates.co.uk.

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